Academics » From the Dean

From the Dean

Greetings! Welcome to Mary Help of Christians Academy and the new academic year! My name is Edward Zambrano, and I am the Dean of Academic Affairs. In keeping with our Mission Statement, I work collaboratively with our students, teachers, parents/guardians, staff, and Administration to ensure that our students receive a rigorous Catholic college preparatory education during their four years at the Academy. To achieve our goals, our students are guided as they select courses, investigate colleges and careers, and develop a four-year plan based on their intended outcomes. I closely monitor their performances to ensure that they are making sound decisions. In addition to the input gathered from a variety of resources, I will maintain an open dialogue with parents/guardians and assist in any manner needed to support our students as they move from year to year.

All courses are college preparatory and offer exciting educational experiences designed to meet the needs of all students. Proper placement is essential to a student’s success. Since we offer courses at various levels – honors, advanced placement (AP), dual enrollment – input gathered from teachers, students, and parents/guardians is used to place students and ensure that the level of rigor is appropriate, the course provides challenge, and each student realizes her full potential. We also provide various opportunities that engage our students in the fine, practical, and performing arts. Our Experiential Learning offerings serve as an excellent means to put theory into practice and discern what area of study best matches each student’s potential.

I am very fortunate to work with a very dedicated and welcoming faculty, student body, parent/guardian community, and Administrative Team. All decisions made have as their common focus what is best for our students and what we can offer to help them to achieve their goals. I encourage all those who attend the Academy to avail themselves of the services provided and courses offered both inside and outside the classroom. Feel free to make a contact with our teachers, staff, support staff, and Administration whenever you have a question or need clarification. Things work best when we pool our resources and maintain our focus. We are committed to excellence in education to provide our students with the knowledge, skills, and support needed now and in the future.

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” -A. J. D’Angelo
Dean of Academics