Sports » Tennis


Team Information: Varsity Tennis is a Fall sport at MHC Academy. 


Fall 2023 Season Summary :


Our Varsity Tennis team consisted of 12 players on the roster, including 2 seniors, 2 juniors, 7 sophomores and 1 freshman. Seven of our players competed in the Passaic County Tennis Tournament, on Thursday, September 28th, including three 2nd year players and four 1st year players.

The 2023 Team is graduating 2 seniors, Emily Rocklein & Grace Rusch.


Fall 2022 Season Recap:


Our Varsity Tennis team finished their season strong with 2 victories at their final two home games of the season, defeating Hawthorne HS 4-1 and Immaculate Conception 5-0. Our Varsity Team consisted of 2 seniors, 2 juniors, 2 sophomores and 5 freshmen. Three of our underclassmen led the team in singles play this season, sophomore Shiela Kelly, along with freshmen Veronica Kennedy and Aurora Wojtowicz.


The 2022 team graduated 2 seniors, 4 year player, Litzy Sanchez and 1st year player Kaithlyn Santiago.